Vaginal Rejuvenation


Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

This term is more cosmetic than the vaginoplasty. The operation area of the vaginoplasty is a vagina including its orifice, but that of the vaginal rejuvenation is more wide including a vagina and all internal and external female genitalia. We propose this procedure for various combined surgeries of
Vaginoplasty, Folding Vaginoplasty, Labioplasty, G-spot amplification, Excess prepuce removal (Clitoropexy) and Hymenoplasty (hymen restoration).

The purpose of this surgery is the same one with vaginoplasty for getting or increasing friction during sexual intercourse and the other purpose is to
eliminate embarrassment with her husband because of the appearance of the enlarged labia.

A Vaginal Rejuvenation is a outpatient based surgical procedure designed to enhance sexual gratification. We sometimes use a Laser for dissection of soft tissue that is effective for diminishing a bleeding and result in near bloodless surgery. A regional anesthesia, a recovery period, a operative risk,
and others are similar to that of a Vaginoplasty.

If you would like to have maximum functional and cosmetic improvement simultaneously, you may choice a Vaginal Rejuvenation.